Customer Story

How Burning Rice Handled 88.4% of Calls Entirely With Voice AI

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Online ordering phone calls.
Calls were handled by Slang without human intervention.


Calls answered by Slang.




Founded in 2017 by Steve and Michelle Choi, Burning Rice's mission has been to bring the rich culture and cuisine of Korea to Dallas neighborhoods. Their passion not only lies in their food but in ensuring that their guests receive an unparalleled experience. Burning Rice is a 7-unit multi-operator that serves traditional Korean BBQ Bibimbop with an ethos rooted in offering authentic Korean experiences to every neighborhood.


The modern era brings modern problems. Burning Rice grappled with a dilemma: how to ensure customer service on phone calls without it interrupting the in-house guest experience? With phones often distracting the staff from current tasks and takeout orders, there was an evident need for an efficient solution.


Burning Rice wanted a solution that provided both innovation and a seamless experience. Enter When asked why they preferred an AI voice concierge over traditional methods, Evan’s emphasized, "It's about the experience. Slang offers a consistent, tailored experience that directs guests efficiently, enhancing our brand’s hospitality.

"Slang does a really great job at providing a truly great experience... leading the way in a different hospitality experience." — Evan Christians, IT Experience Manager, Burning Rice 

Impact & Integration

  • Efficiency in Operations: Slang allowed in-store operations to concentrate on immediate tasks, enhancing productivity.
  • Quick Onboarding: The entire integration process took less than a week, with an onboarding consultant playing a crucial role.
  • Customer & Team Satisfaction: Both guests and the Burning Rice team found the experience with Slang positive, with the AI system providing information and assistance without any hitches.


Burning Rice's partnership with showcases the power of modern AI in elevating traditional customer service experiences. With increased efficiency, cost savings, and heightened guest satisfaction, it's evident that is reshaping the hospitality industry.

For restaurants seeking a solution that blends innovation with hospitality, is the future. As Burning Rice’s journey demonstrates, when the system works for you, success is inevitable.


  • Over a span of 90 days, Slang answered 2,092 calls.
  • This led to a labor-saving of 140+ hours, amounting to approximately $2,100.
  • 30% of these calls were for online ordering. Slang directed these callers to Burning Rice's preferred online ordering channel, with an impressive 85% click-through rate on text message sends.
  • 88.4% of calls were handled by Slang without human intervention, allowing staff to stay focused on in-house tasks and guests.

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